Family Medicine Associates
To Our Patients,
As you may know, the spread of COVID-19 in our community is very high, and currently this is combined with an unusual summer increase in other respiratory illnesses. Family Medicine Associates, like most other healthcare facilities in our area, is feeling the effects of this increased volume. We appreciate your patience during this very busy time. What can you do to help?
1.If anyone in your family tests positive for COVID-19, know they will likely experience cold-like symptoms that can be managed at home. This may include fever, headache, sore throat, runny nose, diarrhea, fatigue and body aches. If you need guidance on COVID exposure, isolation or quarantine days, please see our decision tree. For any family member who is ill appearing, having trouble breathing, chest pain or prolonged fevers, please call our office for an appointment and further guidance.
2. For routine well visits and medication checkups, please call us as usual and know that we appreciate your patience. Our patient representatives are working hard to accommodate your needs in the setting of our increased volumes and telephone traffic.
3. Do your part to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. This includes staying at home when you feel sick, immunizing yourselves and your children if eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, wearing a mask in any public indoor or crowded outdoor areas, and washing your hands frequently. Please be aware that it is our policy to follow CDC and Colorado health department guidelines when it comes to all these issues.
4. Be aware that we will not write letters of exemption for schools or employers that require masks. In alignment with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Academy of Family Physicians, Family Medicine Associates strongly endorses the use of safe and effective infection control procedures to protect all members of the family. These measures include the correct and consistent uses of a well-fitting face mask. The CDC has issued guidance that includes universal indoor masking for all staff, patients, students and visitors to schools K-12 regardless of vaccine status. When you wear a mask, you protect yourself and others, especially if you are not vaccinated or are around others who are not vaccinated. Masks can safely be worn by all children 2 years of age and older with rare exceptions that include:
• Severe autism
• Developmental delays
• Limited physical mobility
• Structural abnormalities of the head or neck
For our part, we continue to be committed to keeping our patients and staff safe in our office. We require anyone two and over to be masked inside our clinics. We continue to have stringent cleaning procedures between patients and continue to screen everyone for symptoms so we can safely care for all our families. We are continuing our regular visits to ensure you receive great care in order to stay healthy.
Thank you for trusting us to take care of your family.